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Tuesday, September 21, 2004


My little Lina! Unfortunately time waits for nobody and Lina is not so little anymore. =( Still, I want to wish her the best on yet another milestone! Happy Birthday, girl!

Happy Birthday Lina! =)

dOh @ 7:37 PM |

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I had the opportunity to accompany Lina and Oreo back home with me to Minnesota. Along with Mahal, the four of us hit Mall of America, downtown Minneapolis, the Mississippi River, and just chilled in "Tha Wood" watching dvd's and reading books. I'm glad Lina and Oreo liked Tha Wood. I hated that they couldn't have stayed longer and I can't wait until they get to come out again (winter break here we come!). Here are some of the memorable things said and heard during their stay:

+ "HUH"?

+ "Schneider Man, Schneider Man" - in the tune of the Spiderman theme song
note: Schneidermann's is a local furniture store


+ "Would you like a bayg with that?" - usually followed by slight laughter
note: it's how Minnesotan's say "bag"

+ "YEP! You betcha!"

+ "Look! Cootie Boy!"

+ "So what do you guys want to do?" - usually followed by "HUH"?

+ "Well, when you go to the University of Minnesota for college..."


on the plane to MN

view from 30,000 feet

Walking thru Minneapolis-St. Paul airport

Stopping for fun in the airport

Chillin' at the Mall of America (MOA)

"Gimme that cookie!!!!"

Lina and Oreo in their new ride

After the Log Jammer ride in MOA

Ketchup faces at Johnny Rocket's

"I'm SPICY!!!"



I said..."SMILE"!!!!

The Mighty Mississippi

Lina on the front page!

The girls with Snoopy

A snoopy that big needs an even bigger bowl!


I'm flying! I'm flying!!

Practicing our rollercoaster picture poses

Mahal with the girls

Mr. Potter, I presume? Lina at the MOA Legoland

Oreo representin' Minnesota!

Jammin' with Oreo

Outside the apt before going to the Airport

Mahal & the girls saying their goodbye's

*SIGH* Bye Lina & Oreo. See you for Christmas!

dOh @ 10:56 AM |

Monday, September 13, 2004

FACC Dancers

I was hoping that the performance was going to be kick ass. Instead, it was more of "watch out for broken glass." DOH! Nerves were running high today as we arrived at the hall and the kids noticed "how hard the floor was." Um, compared to soft floors??? Considering that they've only practiced and performed on carpet, I could see their concerns. But my theory was, if they could do it on carpet, they could do it anywhere else, yes?

The dance started off well. They had big smiles on their faces and they were together on their moves. All of a sudden, the sound of glass shattering came not on one side, but on two sides! If I remember correctly, it was almost in stereo. Aiya! Well, as I had told them prior to performing, it the glass falls and breaks, just keep on going the best that you could. The dance must go on. Well luckily, all these people armed with brooms and programs tried to sweep the majority of the glass to the side while the kids kept dancing. Yes, they KEPT dancing! Poor Mitsy and Jedi tried their best to avoid stepping on shards of glass, but they continued on.

Since there were only three couples, big ups have to go to the center couple, B and Maria, for getting through the entire dance without dropping or breaking any glasses. I know B must've been proud because he basically made up for his flub the last time. Yes, he has redeemed himself! Lol! Him and Jez were dope as they both got through the segment of balancing the glass on their foreheads as they got up from a lying down position. Ya'll made it look easy!

Though the performance itself wasn't the best, at least they looked good costume and hair wise. Hee hee! Speaking of hair, it was hilarious to see Gabo get an almost haircut. It seems that the glass kept slipping from his forehead because his hair was all up in his eyes. After the "almost cut" with a pair of dulled scissors, Ate P decided to use some clips and hairspray to get his overgrown locks out of the way. It was cool to actually see Gabo's eyes, but for a while there, he was looking like a girl! Aw man...where was the camera when you needed it?

Since we had arrived at the hall way early, hubby and I had a chance to just chill with the kids. The energy was too funny. One moment, it'd almost be dead silence because everyone was bored...the next, it was SO loud that all you heard was, "Eh? What did you say?" and "I said...." As hubby would say, we all talked story, had our laughs, took some pictures, etc. I have to say that aside from the performance that wasn't, this was the major plus of the day.

In any case, look forward to a pic of the dancers. Yes, I even got camera shy Mitsy in it...whoo hoo! Score! So she wasn't too thrilled to be forced to be in it...oh well! =)

MnM @ 1:05 AM |

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Three Flubs and You're Out...(take 2!)

You ever hear that saying that "all things happen in threes?" I must be having some sick and twisted rendezvous thing, but MnM has been a victim (once again!) of three major flubs. The only difference this time is that I managed to get away "bukol-free" from any large metal objects crashing down on my forehead and one of them is enough for me to cry and hide under a rock. Boo hoo! Read on, read on....

Flub #1: Friday or Saturday is usually set aside for cleaning house. I do the laundry, clean the bathroom, and vacuum. That's my routine. Saturday mid-morning, I get a call from my Ate and we proceed to have this 184 minute conversation...(that's what it said on the handset after I hung up). While we're catching up, I somehow manage to eat my breakfast, do the dishes, and file the bills. Yes people, I am a multi-tasker! Feeling rather productive, I knew that the only thing from completing my clean-house routine was to vacuum. After the typical Filipino goodbye (oh wait, before I go, did I tell you about....), I get the vacuum cleaner, unravel the cord, plug it in, and start in my usual spot near the window. After only about 10 swishes and 5 perfectly shaped upside down V's, the vacuum cleaner died. Not died where you give it a jiggle here and there and starts up again died, but died died. I seriously don't know what happened. I was actually waiting until we got our house to buy a new one, or better yet, one that actually sucks up the dirt without much prodding, but oh well. This sucks. ('scuse the pun!)

Flub #2: the FACC youth group was asked to perform a Filipino folk dance by a FilAm Nurse association. The performance is tomorrow. Since the kids have danced before, I was glad that tonight's practice would be more like a review. Thank goodness we have costumes, glasses with lights, and music. Music? Hehehe. It's very typical for MnM to be prepared for things like this. I like to make sure I have everything set out the day before and go so far as putting things near the door so there won't be any chance I'll forget them. I make a list that I have to double check before going to sleep because if there's anything that I HATE, it's forgetting something I should've had. Anyways, to make a long story short, MnM brought a tape for music. Turns out that it's the WRONG tape for the WRONG dance. Aiya! Well since practice MUST go on, everyone has to settle for the vocal stylings (as styling as she can get!) of yours truly. Not that I haven't done that before...hum the music, call out the next figure while still keeping count...it's just if you KNOW this particular group of kids, the volume button has to be a certain decible. Lol! In all honesty, it wasn't all that bad...it was just deserving of a big, huge slap on the forehead!

Flub #3: So here's the kicker. I checked my emails and messages in the morning like I usually do. Didn't do anything different. My sister calls and we have that conversation that spans a couple hours. No biggie. It's when I noticed that my laptop froze. Darn thing has been doing that since the major accident it had after I so gracefully tripped over the extension and it came crashing down to the floor. Nice going MnM! Thankfully, hubby was able to retrieve and save all my files before we brought the laptop to Best Buy. Though I was without my laptop for a while, it wasn't the end of the world and I managed. This time is different. It somehow just locked up. Hubby has tried all of the tricks up his sleeve and nuthin. What sucks BIG TIME (and this is where I could spend a day or two crying about it) is that not only are my school files on it, but a lot of the personal writing as well. I'm so bummed. There's A LOT of papers and projects that I worked my butt off and now they're gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. (..."Like Frank Sinatra...like Elvis and his mom...like Al Pacino's cash"...) Sorry. Inside joke, sorta.

So there you have it. My Saturday has been full of flubs and it gets no love from me. All I gotta say is that the kids better kick some ass and make me proud at tomorrow's performance!
MnM @ 1:10 AM |

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Words of Welcome...part two.

Ah yes...a joint blog. I had to laugh at hubby's lil' words of welcome. Our personal blogs angry? Hahaha, okay, I take the credit for that one! I've always had this affinity to writing my thoughts down on paper and 99% of the time, they would be considered my "unsharables." Meaning? 'Tis my way of venting my frustrations. I remember a Psychology class I took back in college about this very subject. We were discussing the different ways people cope with their anger and depression. One of the suggested techniques of handling our personal issues was to write. It could be in a journal, a scrap of paper, a napkin, simply anything to put our feelings out there. What you do with that writing afterwards is up to you. For some, burning it or getting rid of it is symbolic of letting your anger go. Personally, I would keep these lil' mental sessions for safekeeping. For me, I like to keep reminders of the supposed pain and suffering I went through at whatever point in time of my life. That way, when I stumble upon it later on down the road, I can appreciate and remember what trials and tribulations I experienced and realize how blessed I am to have come so far in life. 'Cuz I have come far personally, emotionally, and spiritually in the 30 years of my life. What a ride it's been so far!

Anyways, I love the idea of having a more "family-friendly" blog. I promise to try and keep my posts anger and vent free for ya'll!

Did you notice the blogskin? If I am not mistaken, it's a view of San Francisco's Pier 7. Spectacularly beautiful, isn't it? I remember taking hubby there one night. I led him down the pier and told him to look straight ahead until we got to the end. When I finally told him to turn around, the city skyline in all its glorious lights and splendor left him speechless. It's that beautiful, people! Ahhh...makes me miss da Bay.

Well, just to reiterate what hubby said, I hope you enjoy our lil' joint venture of blogging. In the meantime, our love and prayers are with you all...

MnM @ 1:44 PM |


Welcome to our latest and greatest blog creation. Mahal and I decided to make a more family friendly blog to update our loved ones with. I guess sometimes our personal blogs can get pretty angry (depending on the mood, of course). So we welcome you to our first joint venture. Hope you enjoy.
dOh @ 10:32 AM |

hello blog world! testing...
MnM @ 9:18 AM |

test page

dOh @ 7:08 AM |


.: dOh & MnM :.

recently moved to "Tha Wood", we attempt to represent our faith, culture, and CA to the fullest extent on a daily basis here in MN.

fellow blogs

recent reads

.: coming soon :.

recent watch

.: coming soon :.

peanut gallery


September 2004
December 2004



designed by : w4rnawarni
tweaked by: dOh